Better Boy Tomato Plants


Better Boy Tomato Plants

boy tomato high yields versatile

boy tomato high yields versatile Source: website

boy tomato inpbboyt home depot

boy tomato inpbboyt home depot Source: website

boy tomato plant pot

boy tomato plant pot Source: website

Better Boy Tomato: High Yields, Most Versatile – Bonnie Plants

High yields of smooth skinned, large fruit earn Better Boy a spot as one of the most popular tomatoes grown in the US and as one of our all time best sellers. The fruit has excellent classic tomato flavor with just the right balance of acid and sugar. This is a great slicing tomato. It is widely adapted throughout the country. Read more…

How to Care for Better Boy Tomato Plants | Home Guides …

As an indeterminate tomato, "Better Boy" continues to increase in height until killed by the frost and may reach heights of 4 to 6 feet in warm climates. "Better Boy" requires support for the… Read more…

Better Boy Tomato Info – How To Grow A Better Boy Tomato Plant

Better Boy Tomato Info. Better Boy is a midseason, hybrid tomato that is extremely popular. The plants easily adapt to a variety of conditions and reliably produce fruit with classic tomato flavor. They mature in about 70-75 days, which makes them an excellent choice for a variety of USDA zones. Better Boy tomatoes are resistant to both verticillium and fusarium wilt, a key to their popularity. Another good thing about growing Better Boy tomatoes is their dense foliage. Read more…
