Plants For Patio Cracks


Plants For Patio Cracks

work gardening filling flagstone patio cracks

work gardening filling flagstone patio cracks Source: website

alys fowler plants patio cracks life style

alys fowler plants patio cracks life style Source: website

big thyme plants tiny cracks wooly thyme white thyme

big thyme plants tiny cracks wooly thyme white thyme Source: website

Best plants for pathways and cracks in concrete and patios …

Producing pale blue blossoms in early summer and only growing to about 1/2 inch tall it is a lovely plant to fill the gaps in pathways, patios and cracked concrete. Bear in mind though, its semi evergreen and will shed its leaves in low winter temperatures. Read more…

Plant Ideas For Cracks – Tips For Gardening In Cracks And …

Plants for cracks and crevices will need some monitoring during the first year of planting. The easiest plants to install in such cramped spaces are young specimens. These have small root bases and their tiny size allows you to plant them in skinny areas. Read more…

Alys Fowler: plants for patio cracks | Life and style …

If cracks appear, celebrate them. Many plants will grow in these harsh conditions. The obvious choice is thyme or camomile. Both need goodness to thrive, so if your cracks are large enough, put… Read more…
