Types Of Salvia Plants


Types Of Salvia Plants

salvia plant types growing information care salvia

salvia plant types growing information care salvia Source: website


salvia Source: website

salvias texas tough summer color east texas gardening

salvias texas tough summer color east texas gardening Source: website

Common Types of Salvia Flowers (Annual and Perennial)

Red salvia (S. splendens): Salvia splendens is best known as a plant with scarlet blooms, but these flowers do come in other colors, too, including white, salmon, pink, purple, lavender, burgundy, and orange. American author Alfred Hottes said of the scarlet type in "The Book of Annuals" that there "is no question regarding its growth or its blooming qualities, but in some cities, its hot color is seen on so many streets that it becomes monotonous." Read more…

Know Your Salvia Plant Types and How to Grow Them – MORFLORA

A. Types of Salvia Plant 1. Annual Salvias. 2. Perennial Salvias. Read more…

Salvia Plant Types: Growing Information And Care of Salvia …

Salvia plant types may be annual or perennial, most are rapid growers and tolerate summer heat with more graceful, spiky blooms. Many colors are available from different types of salvia and these include blues, purples, pinks, reds as well as some whites and yellows. Read more…
