Rubber Plant In Bathroom


Rubber Plant In Bathroom

bathroom plant ideas brighten home

bathroom plant ideas brighten home Source: website

perfect plants condo bathroom

perfect plants condo bathroom Source: website

rubber plant decorating ideas plants indoor

rubber plant decorating ideas plants indoor Source: website

11 Plants that Will Grow Better in Your Bathroom | Better …

Tucked behind is a dark green China doll plant ( Radermachera sinica ). China doll plants need bright, indirect sunlight and moist, well-drained soil, and must be protected from drafts. Both plants will thrive in the warmth and humidity of a bathroom. Read more…

10 Plants that Thrive in Humid Spots (a.k.a. Your Bathroom …

Park a plant in your bathroom so it benefits from the constant moisture circulating in the air. Not all species are created equal when it comes to light exposure though, so choose wisely. Some favor sun-drenched spaces while other just may surprise you by growing in a tiny dark bath. Read more…

20 Bathroom Plants That Thrive in High-Humidity Areas

Ferns naturally grow in the outdoor equivalent of a bathroom. They love low light and high humidity, the exact conditions of most bathrooms. That means you can easily grow a beautiful plant with very little maintenance. In fact, this is one of those shower plants that would gladly share the space with you. Read more…
